Monday, November 2, 2015

What is love??


I hope Haddaway's classic song is blasting in your mental radio right now. It is in mine. 

"...Baby don't hurt me!!"


We use this word for a LOT of things. 

"I love this song!"
 "I love you..." 
"I love when the rain smells like that!"
"I LOVE this band!"

We kind of throw it around in everyday language, and I honestly feel like we don't even have a definition of it. 

M. Scott Peck agrees. He said,  “no one has ever... arrived at a truly satisfactory definition of love.”

How would you define it? You don't have to comment and leave your input, but just stop reading my blog and think about it for a second. What is love in your dictionary?

I know for me, when I think of love, I think of my sisters and I. I think about my Grandpa Peterson, and how he and I were great friends for only a few short years, but the love is still there. I think about the perfect taste of guacamole and chips. I think about a beautiful, ripe mango fallign off the trees in Jamaica. I think about my best friend. I think about sunsets. I think about my mom and dad.

Love can have many different applications, and it can occupy many different facets in our lives. I learned in class that we really don't have a definite definition of this word we call love. But there are actually different levels and types of love. We've got eros, which is the romantic and sexual types of love, philia, which is more of the brotherly kind of love usually found between close friends (fun fact, that's actually where Philadelphia comes from), storge, being the love found between parents and children, and then agape, which is the love we feel when we give service to people, even if we don't like them. Pronounce those like you're a Greek, because that's where they come from :)

I had never known there were different types of love that actually had names! I had always done what everyone else does, throw around the word to descrive the good feelings I have. 

So, since I want y'all to learn on your own instead of me just babbling away, which kind of love do you think is most important? Which could be the most powerful?? Is one greater than the other? 

And which one do you need to improve on?

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